00_ Intro

This manual seeks to complement the work initiated by the community of facilitators in securing within civil society, making available to these and to the beneficiary organizations themselves a set of activities that allow generating organizational security policies in harmony with the real needs of each, adaptable to change and lasting over time.

01_ Research and security objectives

Creating the basis to develop all the minimum security policies. Although ideally this step should be applied at the moment of conception, this methodology has been built and written to be adapted in already existing organizations.

02_ Policies and Directives

These activities can be carried out as a collaborative process with the organization's team as a continuation of the activities in section 01 Research and security objectives.

03_ Threat model and Procedures

Using inputs to build a risk matrix considering the threats that the organization faces, and consequently validate that security objectives, map of stakeholders and data mapping are consistent with all that is being documented throughout this analysis.